Sometimes you just have to go play for your kids benefit.
;) For a while now I've kept some yarn and painters
tape in the hangar because I wanted to do some tufting of the
RV-10 just for curiousity. Of course, the areas that I'd
love to see, aren't visible from my own plane, but it would be
fun when flying formation.
My daughter though recently gave me an excuse to have some
fun. For her independent study project she chose the
subject "How does an airplane fly?", which gave me the
opportunity to play. Of course, those who say it's ALL
because of the faster speed of the air over the wing causing
lower pressure, are dead wrong, as there are also effects from
the air hitting the bottom of the up-angled wing that come into
play....once described in Flying Magazine by showing how a barn
door could fly. Now, try to explain all this to a 6
(almost 7) year old though and see how much they retain. :)
So anyway, we tufted the wing, and set out to show the airflow
during a stall series. Let me tell you, full-power-on
stalls in the RV-10 are just not something you'll likely spend
much time doing. The angle to the sky is just plain
ridiculous. For these stalls, I chose 1 *real* notch
of flaps, and a fairly low power setting, although not as low as
approach power. This gave a good nose up pitch, and a
pretty wild ride. The RV-10 just does not enjoy being
beaten into submission in a stall. Sure, you can do a
gentle buffet, but I wanted a real stall, so I hauled back on
the stick and held it there, and the plane bucked like a broco
as I maneuvered the controls to hold it in the sky.
Generally I drop off to the right when it finally wants to give
up, but in general it takes a lot of work to get anything to
Check out the airflow's completely what we've
always been told.....smooth airflow, with the stall starting at
the root and spreading forward and outward. Neat stuff to
see the strings in the 2nd row of tape pointing backwards to the
movement of the's then that you know that the
airplane must be dropping pretty well at a mega-high AOA.