Adding Rudder Trim to a Flying RV-10

Added 11/4/2007 - 288 Flight Hours

This is my personal documenation written during my preparation and execution of installing Vic's rudder trim mod onto my flying RV-10.  It is a bit unnerving to have to do this task and cut a painted rudder, so I prepared well for it.  I would strongly suggest that even if you don't plan during your build to install rudder trim that you at least pull 2 wires into your rudder for the trim so adding it at a later date doesn't involve accessing the tailcone.  I had to stuff my daughters and wife all the way back into the tail during this upgrade to pull and secure wires, that would have been nice to have done during the initial build.

The douber and access plate used are available from Van's as VA-195C and VA-195D, which are the doubler and hatch cover used for the stall warning system on the wings.  From Vic's photos, you can see he used a Ray Allen servo p/n T2-7A.

Rudder Trim Installation Steps

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