WingX 5 Released
Added 3/21/2011
Last night I got a big surprise... I was checking my iPad updates
to see what apps had things I should upgrade, and WingX was on the
list. I had heard some things about what might be coming in WingX
5, so I was excited to read the list of new features:
New Feature List
As they said in the intro "The mega-update everyone has been waiting
for!"...and it turns out to very much be true! Yes in deed, we
now have sectionals, IFR low/high enroute, Geo-Referenced approach
plates, taxi diagrams, and now even things like Terrain-enhanced
sectionals, and even ADS-B In-Flight weather that includes things like
TAF's, and more!!!!! Yes, that is right, even ADS-B via a receiver like
I'm not going to take the time to do a full write-up right now, because
I don't have time and I have a trip coming up anyway that will provide
a good opportunity. But, I'm pretty excited, so I figured I'd
post some pics right now.
Foreflight still has it beat for use on the iPhone.....if all you use
is an iPhone, Foreflight would be my pick. And although I haven't
looked at the WX offerings yet on this version of WingX, I know that
for weather planning and flight-plan filing it's very hard to beat
Foreflight...the iPad weather is awesome on that app.
Here are some screenshots from WingX
Take note that you can split screen in multiple ways, with most any
type of information wherever you want. Also, the digital data
like Terrain, fixes, Runway extensions, airways, and all of that,
overlays right on top of the sectional or IFR enroute chart. So
it all goes together very well, and georeferenced at that!
The terrain would look better, but I did these shots from my basement
office, with NO GPS fix, so some of the terrain went all red, and in
some shots you can see yellow.
More to come!